Tips For Creating A Web Based App

  1. Use Github to your advantage.
    • Github includes helpful features such as Github issues and repositories. Issues are a place where you can track problems with your app or things you want to complete. This will help you stay focused in your development journey. Repositories are a great place to organize your code files, share them with others, and even deploy your web page.
  2. Create a wireframe.
    • When beginning a new project, you may have tons of ideas floating around and may not be sure where to start. Creating a sketch of how you want your app to look or what things you want to include can help you get started in development. Doing this may also help develop new and more sophisticated ideas for your app. Note: Github would be a great place to create or upload your wireframe.
  3. Start developing your project using CodePen.
    • CodePen is a site you can utilize to quickly spin up a new web-based app. It is intuitive and includes areas for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code all in one place. CodePen also features a live preview for your page. Once you get a good base created for your app, CodePen allows you to download all of the files for transfer to another developer environment.
  4. Bootstrap is a useful tool.
    • Bootstrap is a free CSS framework with just about everything you could need for your app including layouts, forms, components, icons, and much more. It has many classes that can be used for HTML tags for quick and easy formatting. The Bootstrap site is helpful and includes explanations and examples for all of its features.
  5. Use JavaScript for functionality.
    • You can use Javascript in your app for various things such as user interaction, front end development, and back end development. For example, you could create a button in html and use JavaScript to add a listener that executes code when that button is clicked.

      See script for button